Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Motivation beats inspiration

I've been inspired many times in my life. Seeing art, hearing a speaker, reading a book, or watching a performance all spark something.  Sometimes that spark fades out a day or two later; other times it burns a little longer.  Inspiration is transient.  And inspiration is easy to find:  I know exactly what book to read, or which movie to watch for a quick hit.

Motivation plays the longer game.  It waxes, it wanes, and sometimes it seems to disappear entirely, but it's there to drive you on to do your work.  If meaningful work is part of your life plan then meaningful motivation is what will keep you on track.

Inspiration - that ephemeral feeling of excitement and invulnerability - is ephemeral, a one night stand. Your relationship with motivation is for the long haul.  Inspiration without motivation is a meaningless fling, but motivation without inspiration is still a long-term relationship.

Worst of all, inspiration is passive.  I get inspired by people;  by things I read or see or hear.  Motivation is active. It's when I pick up my stuff and get to work; I'm motivated to do something.

You want to start a new project? Great.  Maybe you're inspired.  Maybe you aren't.  Either way, the only path to success is to find what really motivates you.

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