Friday, 22 March 2013

Be happy now. What are you waiting for?

From school we are taught two crippling untruths: that success is about achieving milestones, and that happiness is linked to success.

Finish school, then you'll have really achieved something.
Get a degree, then you'll have really achieved something.
Find a good job, then you'll have really achieved something.
Get a promotion, then....
Get married, then.....
Have children, then....
When your children have finished school, then....
Once you've retired, then....

We are taught that these milestones are markers on a path.  We're not told where the path leads, and most of us assume the destination is called 'success'. We delay the simple act of being happy until the next milestone is reached. "Once I've got my own house, then I will be truly happy". But will you?

We are taught that reaching these milestones should make us happy.  But we have to figure out for ourselves that it's ok to be happy anyway.  Happiness and success and achieving milestones should have no relationship to each other.  Just be happy. What possible reason is there for waiting?

We are taught that life is hard work and a struggle.  But not that it's possible to walk through the world with ease. So ask: is the world a heavy or a light place for me?

The result is this:  we wait for external circumstances to make us happy; but in reality happiness comes from day-to-day life, not the transient highs of achievement.

This happiness, this passion for day-to-day life is brought to the table by you, and you alone. No circumstances or other people can bring it for you.

You have the opportunity to be happy and passionate about life right now. Go for it.

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